Reflections on what I learned in February 2021

    • Take the tiniest slice of the habit you want to do , and do just that tiny part.
    • Do hard things , where the first order consequence of doing the task is pain and suffering , and the second order consequence is pride.
    • Create pro-active days , instead of reactive days
    • With every tiny habit we make , we are voting for the person we become tomorrow.
    • If you can be just 1% better today in your exercise , diet , work , blog .. that will compound over time.
    • Missing once is a mistake , missing twice is a habit
    • Extreme discipline = extreme freedom. Doing the hard things when you just don’t want to do it , is the price you pay for unlimited freedom
    • Reading is one of the greatest investments you can make in your lifetime , reading 1-2 hours a day alone puts you in the top 0.1% in life
    • All benefits in life come from compound interest – put in the reps and do 1% more than you did yesterday
    • Pick your goal , pick the right metric , it will be your compass for growth. If you move this metric in the right direction , you are doing your job. Then choose a time-frame , because you want a tight feedback loop. Aim to improve 3% week over week or month over month. At the end of each cycle, ask – what did I learn in this cycle/week/month? What should I do differently next cycle ?
    • The Universe has all the answers waiting to be discovered , what we must do is constantly figure out ways to come up with the right questions
    • Those who achieve something of value have done so by paying the price to get there.
    • Go to bed with a problem an solve it overnight. Keep at it for days till the answer comes to you.
    • Focus on direction over speed. If you go too fast but don’t know where you are going , it doesn’t really matter how fast you go.
    • Keep at it , and sooner or later , you get what you deserve
    • What keeps us from our goals are not obstacles , but the clear path to lesser goals
    • It is always Day 1 , Day 2 is statis, followed by irrelevance followed by death
    • We build our own prisons and live in them for far too long
    • You never climb Mount Everest to conquer the mountain , but to conquer yourself
    • Don’t worry about embarrassing yourself in public , most people are too busy to notice since they are mostly thinking about themselves
    • At the end of every road , you meet yourself
    • Never collaborate in your own defeat
    • Life is always unfolding , you never arrive , and that’s the point , you can always improve, and you can always stop and smell the roses
    • Suffering is the way to salvation
    • Set an aspirational hourly rate. Only do a task if it will pay you at least that amount
    • Build wealth , not money. Money = renting out your time. Wealth = owning equity
    • The internet has exponentially broadened out the amount of possible careers , most folks have not figured this out yet and are living in the old world !
    • Learn to build , learn to sell. That’s all it takes ! Write blogs , record podcasts , create videos
    • You get rich by giving society what it wants but does not know how to get. In scale.
    • Play long term games with long term people
    • The mind can move mountains , once you are no longer under it’s control
    • How many things am I doing that I know I am doing wrong and know to fix and not fixing ?
    • Meaning is found in responsibility. Take responsibility for something larger than yourself
    • Anger is a hot coal you hold in your hand while waiting to throw at someone else
    • Look for highly asymmetric opportunities – like DM’ing people you admire on twitter
    • Create that which you wish existed , others perception is secondary
    • Write down what you are afraid of – then take one tiny step towards your fear. Slowly increase your exposure to it over time.
    • Nobody cared before you were born , nobody will a few decades after you are gone. The dead outnumber the living 14 to one – there is no reason not to follow your heart.
    • Who you can be is more important than who you currently are
    • You don’t have to be interesting to be successful. You just need to be interested , aggressively open-minded , curious. Risk failure – you will have a few great stories to tell when you are older , reach out
    • A ship does not sail with yesterday’s wind . Nobody cares what you did yesterday , what did you do today ?
    • Take risks under your own name , that’s how you are rewarded. By putting yourself out there and looking like a fool
    • If you are really committed to brain health , you will exercise every single day !
    • Creativity is combining things that usually don’t go together
    • We can improve our mood just by walking outside for as little as 5 minutes !
    • Intelligence is adaptive , a good measure of intelligence is how fast you can adapt to an every changing world.
    • It is what you learn after learning it all that really counts
    • There are some things you can’t learn from others. You have to pass through the fire yourself
    • The tools to learn are infinite , it’s just the desire to learn that limits us.
    • When we are young , we realize the impact others have on us but don’t think we have an impact on others . Over time , we realize just how much impact we have and how it is our duty to guide others using that gift.
    • You have within you more resources of energy than have ever been tapped, more talent than has ever been exploited, more strength than has ever been tested, more to give than you have ever given.
    • You have so many skills and talents that are yet to unfold , skills that you do not yet know that you possess ! Do not put an imaginary ceiling over your own growth. Growth is risky because it is venturing out into the unknown , but at the end of the road you take you find yourself.
    • Pessimist are right more often than optimists , but no pessimists ever changed the world
    • If you go to a pot-luck but don’t bring more than you can eat , and if everyone does the same , the party is going to be terrible. The same principle applies in every aspect of life , we realize that we take so much from this world that was created by the efforts of others , and we must do our part to give more than what we take , to create a self sustaining family , society and the world around us.
    • Attention is the currency of relationships.
    • Your goal in life is to find and nurture the group of people who need you the most , there is something out there only for me
    • We all have a unique combination of stories and skills that cannot be brought into this world by anyone else.