How to Live a Long and Healthy Life

Here a few key tips to live a long and healthy life :

Sleep well

Avoid bright lights at night , get 5 minutes of sunlight first thing every morning

Exercise – Do a combination of strength and cardio training. Swimming and cycling are excellent for cardio and easy on the joints. Making cycling a part of your routine in itself can help reduce your odds of a heart attack.

Practice meditation and yoga

Eat vegetables, nuts, fruits , fish.

Avoid sugar and carbs

Avoid alcohol

Practice intermittent fasting. Fast for at-least 16 hours each day. Slowly increase to 20 hours , to 22 hours and so on.

Take a cold shower in the morning

Spend time with friends and family

Once a month :

  •      Measure blood pressure

Once every 6 months :

  •      Get a blood test

Do a 2-3 day fast

Once every year :

  •       Get a full body MRI to test for cancer
  •       Go to the dentist
  •       Donate blood – it reduces iron stores which reduces risk of heart attack

Once every five years :

  •      Get a low dose chest CT with calcium scoring to detect heart disease , or use Heart Flow for a contrast CT

Vitamins : Vitamin D , Fish oil.

Additional supplements (optional) : Metformin , NMN , reservetarol , rapamycin